Historic preservation IMF provides a range of services in the field of historic preservation including building and material evaluation of the structural condition of historical buildings and structures. All issues are considered relating to the structural stability and foundation as well as physical and building chemical matters. In addition to the assessment of existing buildings and the appraisal of their durability, static, foundational engineering and material-specific maintenance and refurbishment concepts for historical structures are paramount.
Transport Structures Our expertise in this area includes the planning and evaluation of risks in existing transport structures. The company uses methods and procedures for investigating material-technical and static-constructional parameters. We therefore have close partnerships with academic institutions and laboratories to find efficient and practical solutions based on the latest scientific information. As a result, IMF is able to provide restoration concepts, risk and cause of damage assessments, as well as custom solutions in structural planning for special underground construction. In detail, this means as planners on the static-constructional side, we offer replacement or new foundation solutions using pile and anchor constructions, and injections. This is main ly done on bridge structures, retaining structures, excavations and slope reinforcements. IMF also performs tests for anchoring systems, main examinations for slope reinforcements or evaluations of existing foundation systems. The goal is to support tender and procurement processes and to supervise and monitor the professional execution of the procedures.
Special Structures This area of expertise finds objects grouped together in the fields of industrial construction, hydraulic engineering and tunnel construction. IMF’s services include the following: the exploration of existing structures and assessment of their durability and operational safety; preparation of restoration concepts; monitoring of tenders and contracts, as well as construction support and quality assurance.
Research and Development Questions often arise regarding certain methods and construction materials, which is due to experience working on structural restorations. These can indeed show certain shortfalls of existing approaches, while also indicating possibilities for solving the projects. IMF is actively involved in filling these gaps with practical research projects. The developments take place both at the instigation of owners (object oriented); authorities and departments, as well as partners from the materials industry. |